Welcome to my Blog

Hello ,
welcome to my blog. Well i finally took the initiative of sharing whatever brought me from Me to Myslef!!! Lol quiet bizar,but i'm sure you will understand what i meant ,well only if your read my messages....grrr

mardi 14 décembre 2010

my Meekness is not my weakness, its my strength under control

What people say about you does not define who you are. Meekness (humilite) is not weakness, its strength under control , You don’t have to respond to every critic or disappointment even if you have the power to reply, even if you think and you know that you are strong enough to argue…. You can just decide to calm down.
You may want to give someone a piece of your mind, but you just decide to stay calm, cool. You must let it go and move on and accept the fact that there are some people who want be at peace with you at all.
Your emotions will be controlled either by your circumstances or your reaction to those circumstances .stop allowing disappointments to control you!
People have EVERY rights to get you upset or disappointed by you also have EVERY right to not get offended..Life is 10% what we are going through and 90% how we react.
No one can take my joy, no circumstances will take my peace, my enthusiasm……, ask yourself does this worth to give up my Joy, and remember that God is still on the throne, you should enjoy every single second of your life just don’t allowed every frustration to get you down, don’t give away your power,be an eagle goes above it.

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